From frustration to finesse: Unofficially tackling the Cineworld mobile app

From frustration to finesse: Unofficially tackling the Cineworld mobile app

Have you ever used an app and thought "ah! I wish it did this", or "this could be better if X"? We felt the same with the Cineworld app. We unofficially tacked the "Cineworld Unlimited" experience with the aim to transform Cineworld's digital touchpoints from minimal viable products to a user-friendly, engaging platform for movie lovers.

Gavin Jones
Gavin Jones
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0 min read
August 7, 2024

As a Cineworld Unlimited user, I have found using their online systems to be more than frustrating and not up to scratch with what you would expect from a global entertainment brand. All of their digital touchpoints feel like they are stuck at the minimum viable product stage without the actual thought as to how these systems are going to be used by real users in the real world. 

In July 2024, Cineworld announced closing down 6 cinema complexes, as an attempt to lower costs. I know the saying is don’t kick someone while they are down, and this isn't intended to be that. We actually started looking at this experience well before the announcement of Cineworld Closures. 

What we wanted to do was to, unofficially, look at part of their mobile experience and think about what this would look like if we were to get our hands on it. If I am honest, in the hope that the experience will be redesigned and the frustrations removed.

One of Cineworld’s Unique Selling Points is the ability to unlock the power of unlimited. You pay a yearly or monthly fee and get to visit the cinema as many times as you like. You also get discounts on food and drink as part of the membership. So with this USP, they must be maximising this experience on their mobile platformright? On the device, people carry around with them to make payments, manage tickets, and make plans with friends using their loyalty cards. 

Well, the answer is no. There is no way to see details of your unlimited membership on Android unless you are in the process of making a purchase and on iPhone it’s a very “minimal” experience as you can see from the screenshot below:

Cinewrold mobile app screenshot
Cineworld Unlimited view as of 7th August 2024

We wanted to fix this. So we got our thinking caps on. What should the Unlimited view of the Cineworld app look like? 

We see the unlimited view as being one of the go-to views when using the app. A frequent flyer type view. These our thoughts:

Digital membership card

At the top, you have your membership card. You need this if you want to book your discounted tickets, redeem your membership discounts when at the cinema and confirm that you are a member when you show your tickets to get onto the screen. It’s important, and I guess that is also why Cineworld has this on their “Unlimited” screen.

Quick access to your cinema tickets

Next down on the hierarchy are your booked tickets. Going to the cinema you are going to need these easily accessible in order to show attendants that you have booked your spot. You also have the quick reference screen information that you need, including the date and time. From first hand experience of getting this wrong, it’s always good to check you have the right day and didn’t book a ticket for the week before! … tangent over! You also have the screen you are going to displayed clearly, especially if you are like me and sometimes forget the screen number, even though a friendly staff member will tell you which screen you are in. It’s good to have a quick reference point! And lastly, by clicking the [view ticket] button the QR code reveals itself for the attendant to scan you in.

A chance for an upsell

Next, the final upsell -Offers! You are at the cinema, loading up the app for your ticket and membership card and holy moley you see you get a discount on those sweet three-piece combos. Displaying the offers at the right place at the right time, you think to yourself… Yes! I fancy a couple of Cokes and a large bucket of fluffy sweet and salty popcorn. Happy days for everyone involved! You get your snacks at a discount and the app has driven you to make a purchase you might not have made otherwise. 

Without further ado! We’re pulling back the curtains where you can see our reimagined and improved version of the Cineworld App design here. I hope you agree that this design feels right:

Elixels Re-design of the Cineworld Unlimited experience

Click here to see the design in all its animated glory on Instagram.  Please drop us a comment on the reel here to let us know your thoughts.

Read this extra fast… this is a short disclaimer to announce that the above opinions and design concepts are not commissioned or owned by Cineworld. But if you happen to work for Cineworld, we would love to have a chat!


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