Why mobile apps are good for business

Why mobile apps are good for business

It’s been a decade since the first app store, and with millions of apps, and billions of downloads around the world, it’s probably an understatement to say mobile apps are here to stay. And with the UK smartphone audience hovering around 50m people, shouldn’t your business be taking advantage of their screen time?

Gavin Jones
Gavin Jones
0 min read
May 18, 2018

Mobile use is growing. In 2017, smartphones became the preferred way to get online, with adults spending almost 2 hours across every day on their phone. And with this trend set to increase, our daily screen time could be tipping over into the 2 1/4 hour point by 2019 [1]. So with an audience ready and waiting, mobile is the perfect platform to get your business seen.

With daily mobile use increasing, 2017 turned out to be a landmark year for mobile browsing, as it overtook desktop browsing for the first time. This is a true marker of where the industry is headed, and web designers are already looking to develop sites with a ‘mobile-first’ priority.

So are we looking at desktop browsing oblivion? Well, not quite, but it puts our mobile use into sharp focus, and highlights why apps are becoming much more important.

The business advantage

If you’re thinking mobile business apps are reserved only for the biggest companies and brands in the world, then you need to rethink your mobile strategy. SMEs everywhere are grabbing the opportunity to get on the app train with both hands, and they’re the ones who are seeing their mobile strategy pay off. So why is it crucial for your business to seize the moment?

Any one of those 50m mobile users is a potential customer for your business. And as your app sits alongside their other frequently used apps, your perfectly formed icon is being noticed. And that’s a big advantage in building your brand. But beyond subliminal recognition, your app gives you a direct marketing channel to your customer, whether you’re advertising special offers or launching a new product line.

But having the ability to provide all the key information your customer needs at the touch of their screen is priceless. And with digital self-service becoming more favoured among users, you’ll retain high levels of customer engagement, giving them the information they need quickly without having to navigate multiple options over the phone.

Bundle all these parts together, and you’ll create the perfect platform to grow customer loyalty. But before you approach a mobile app development company, you may want to work out the best area for your app to focus on. To give you some ideas, we’ve picked three areas that can really help get you a solid return on your investment.

Your return on investment

If your app will be free to download, offering users in-app purchases or subscriptions for exclusive or ad-free content can be lucrative. This ‘freemium’ app model, where users pay extra to unlock the additional content, is one that’s on the rise. Find out more about using business apps to help you generate revenue by reading our next article.

When it comes to marketing your business, your app should be able to do most of the hard work for you. Allowing push notifications to alert users about special offers, or adding an in-app company brochure, can help you and your customers. Get more ideas about how your business app can stand out in a crowded marketplace by reading our business apps for marketing article.

But maybe your app needs to help save your business money in the long term? Done well, and with the right level of investment, your app can ease pressure on your front line customer service team and focus on customer digital self-service. Read our article about business apps to streamline your processes and start saving sooner.

By having a clear mobile strategy behind you, and understanding your clients needs and their pain points, a business mobile app can take your company from strength to strength. Contact the Elixel team today on 01752 395 404 or get in touch and we’ll help you realise the benefits your app can bring.

Next up in this series, read our blog on "How mobile apps can streamline your business".

[1] https://www.emarketer.com/Article/Smartphone-Use-Headed-New-Milestone-UK/1016444


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